Give Yourself the Credit You Deserve


Often times we look outside for praise. We want others to remind us or notice how great we're doing. The truth is, it actually doesn’t matter how much others notice or give you praise, unless you feel it within yourself first.

If you’re reading this now, know that if you earned that position you applied for, or you received an award for something, you deserve it. We can be our own worst critics; picking apart or over-analyzing everything we do. It’s a natural part of being human.

Understanding that everything you’ve worked for or earned is cumulative in the first step toward giving yourself the credit that you deserve. Things you may not see as valid or important are more momentous than you think. Until you understand that your work paid off in those small instances, you will never be able to give yourself the credit you deserve when you accomplish something amazing.

Commemorate the little things.


Celebrate the times you were prepared. Applaud yourself for the things you've achieved today, not what you haven't. Award yourself for getting through a busy day, just because you did.

Until you understand how these smaller accomplishments accumulate, you won’t be able to give yourself a deserving pat on the back for the things truly worth celebrating.

What you’ve just achieved, no matter how significant, is because of your own doing. Own it. Celebrate it. You are worthy of feeling good about yourself.