4 Facts About Auras & How To Read Yours


When it comes to auras, the truth is most of us haven't the faintest idea of what an aura actually is.

A textbook definition of an aura is:

“an electromagnetic energy field that surrounds people, animals and thing, and encompasses the body. The aura consists of seven levels/layers/auric bodies, also known as the physical, astral, lower, higher, spiritual, intuitional, and absolute planes.”


Each one of these subtle bodies that exists around the physical body has its own unique frequency. They are interrelated, and each body affects the others. They also affect a person’s feelings, emotions, thought patterns, behavior, and overall health. Just like with chakras, a state of imbalance in one of the bodies leads to a state of imbalance in the others.

Now before you raise your eyebrows, you should know that most scientists recognise everything in the world emits a certain kind of energy, so the aura isn't a completely ludicrous concept. You know how you just sense a particular feeling or vibe from each individual person around you? One person might make you a bit anxious, while another chills you out? Well, a lot of that has to do with their aura, which informs one's attitude and overall disposition.

If you’re open to understanding more about the aura, keep on reading and let us know your thoughts in the comments!

1. The Aura Has Seven Layers

Also known as the subtle bodies, there are seven layers of your aura that correspond with the seven chakras in your body. They are reflective of your physical, emotional and spiritual health.

At any given time, your aura emits a mixture of colors and light (it will never be just one colour), and each of these shades says a lot about how you're currently feeling. For example, if there's a brilliant yellow, it probably means you're feeling spiritually alive and energetic, and clouded red can mean you're experiencing feelings of anger, sadness or emotional turmoil.

2. Auras Can Be Captured In Photos

There are certain cameras out there that photograph your aura by pressing your hands onto metal plates that sit on top of electric boxes. Having your aura photographed has almost become a bit of a trend with names like Diane Von Furstenberg and Alexander Wang sharing their aura pictures with Harpers Bazaar last year. Not surprisingly, Gwyneth Paltrow and her Goop staff had their auras captured by a company called Radiant Human, who travels around the country to snapshot people's auras.

In 1939, Russian inventor Semyon Davidovich Kirlian invented a method of taking portraits using a metal plate and an electric current that he claimed could reveal the “life force” of his subjects—even predict illnesses. Kirlian photography is regarded as the predecessor to what we now know as aura photography, and there were only 100 of these made.


3. Auras Change Colours

If you're not in a particularly great place in your life, your aura will reflect it. But you know you won't be stuck in this rut forever, which means your aura won't be dull for long. The good news is you don't have to do anything to change your aura after things get better.

Just the natural shift in your emotional and physical health will result in an aural transformation, because your aura is always alive, and always connected to your body and the universe. There's no off switch, so it keeps up with you at every turn.

4. Auras Can Be Cleansed

Once you become aware of the power of auras, you can consciously do a few things that will keep your aura nice and clean. A simple way to keep yourself clear is to merely envision your aura during a seated meditation. Close your eyes, picture a white light radiating from within your body, and then imagine it flowing through your whole system from head to toe. Think of that bright light clearing out the dullness in your aura and bringing you back to a healthy centeredness.

Sessions with an energetic healer might be the right way to go, but if that doesn't tickle your pickle, you can always get yourself some dried white sage or Palo Santo. Smudging with these is an ancient practice used in many Indigenous cultures to clear out negative energy. Light your sage and wave the smoke around your home, as well as your whole body. You may not feel an instant change, but it will evoke a happy shift in your aura nevertheless.



  • Strength, Will Power, New Beginnings, Leadership, Action, Practicality, Passion.

  • Reds are encouraged to get plenty of exercise and get into nature to achieve balance.

  • Heavy and dark typically indicates low energy.


  • Creative, Confident, Independent, Collaborative, Excellent People Skills, Loves Challenge.

  • Can be emotionally aloof, so to revive orange energy get into water, or visit a river or ocean.

  • Orange is usually found in entrepreneurs, successful sales people, or those who work with many people.


  • Detail Oriented, Cautious, Logical, Strategic, To-Do Lists, Highly Intelligent.

  • Tans make great planners and work well with structure. It is recommended that tans visit natural wonders or watch/read inspirational biographies to avoid getting stuck in a limited train of thought.


  • Optimistic, Enthusiastic, Open-Minded, Loves Variety and Freedom, Generous, Playful, Whimsical.

  • Yellows provide an atmosphere where people are comfortable being themselves.


  • Growth, Goal-Oriented, Determined, Focused, Ambitious, Competitive, Perfectionist.

  • Greens worst enemy are themselves, often holding themselves back. They are encouraged to identify and be accountable for what they want: They should write it down, and go for it.


  • Depth of Feeling, Trust, Devotion, Loyalty, Nurturing, Personal Relationships, Supportive, Intuitive, Sensitive.

  • Singing in a choir (one voice of many), attending or taking part in theater, or any water activity like sailing, paddle boarding, etc., will help this color feel more connected.


  • Visionary, Unconventional, Non-Judgmental, Playful, Loves to be Inspired and Delight Others.

  • To avoid feeling overwhelmed, purples must trust in their vision and share it with others. Keep a journal.


  • Higher Consciousness, THE SOURCE, Destiny, Intense Energy, Cosmic Wisdom.

  • Congratulations you’ve made it! Now do it all over again.