3 Ways to Practice Positive Thinking


The benefits of positive thinking are well established. Sages, psychologists, neuroscientists, researchers and doctors all have been adopting the benefits of positive thinking for hundreds of years.

Positive thinking helps us to be healthier, more productive and ultimately happier. Although, for most of us it is hard to practice optimism regularly.

1. Guide Your Energy

"I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was." -- Muhammad Ali

According to quantum physics, our thoughts have a frequency and a corresponding unique vibration that attracts similar frequencies into our lives. Essentially, negative thinking attracts negative energy; and positive thinking attracts positive energy.

Buddha, Aristotle and many others have suggested the same; how we think creates the energy that ultimately manifests our realities. If we go into a situation with a negative thought process then we are almost destined to have a negative outcome.

2. Practice Visualization

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become."-- Buddha

Visualization is perhaps one of many attributes that assures your future. In the psychology community, ‘creative visualisation’ refers to the practice of seeking to affect the outer world by changing one's thoughts and expectations.

Visualisation is a technique used by winners in all walks of life. Our minds have an enormous capacity to connect the invisible dots to guide us to strive for the impossible!

3. Be Kind To Yourself

In his book, The Art of Happiness, the fourteenth Dalai Lama wrote, "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."

It can be difficult to stay positive in the face of adversity or failure. For many, even though it can be easy to show compassion to others, it can be hard to accept, embrace, and be compassionate toward ourselves. Often it's easy to blame oneself, feel sorry, and/or put oneself down. It’s only through being able to let go, have compassion for oneself, and self-encouragement that we can pursue a path of positivity.

It is our trials and tribulations that make us who we are. Without compassion for ourselves we never find the awareness that allows us to nurture and heal.

How do you practice self compassion regularly? Let us know in the comments!
