Raw Vegan Carrot Cake Cupcakes

These carrot cake cupcakes are the perfect single serving dessert in a cup. They are perfect for portion control as oppose to a whole carrot cake. Plus, these goodies are raw vegan! What's not to love about them?



  • 1 cup walnuts (not soaked)

  • 1 cup dates

  • 2 cups grated raw carrots, squeezed well through cheesecloth or with paper towel to remove as much excess moisture as possible (this is important!)

  • 1 tsp cinnamon

  • 1/2 tsp ginger

  • Dash nutmeg

  • 1/8 tsp sea salt

  • 3/4 cup raisins


  • 1 cup cashews, soaked 1+ hours

  • 1/3 cup agave syrup

  • Dash sea salt

  • 1 tsp lemon juice

  • Water


  1. Process the dates and walnuts in a food processor fitted with the S blade till they are crumbly, but holding together.

  2. Add grated carrots and spices. Process till the mix has taken the form of a smooth “dough.”

  3. Add raisins and pulse to combine.

  4. For the frosting: rinse cashews and place in a food processor with agave, salt and lemon. Process until the mixture is well combined. With the motor running, add just enough water as the motor is running to get the frosting consistency you want.

  5. Push the carrot cake dough into six muffin tins or ramekins and refrigerate for about an hour. Remove from the fridge, and get frosting!

  6. Serve, snack, and savor.